
Shopify Apps: EDP vs. Fileflare [Digital Products Delivery]

edp digital product delivery

Both are well-known Shopify apps known for making the overall handling of digital products easier. However, only one can be crowned king of digital sales. Let’s explore which one offers the best solution.

What is Fileflare?


Fileflare Digital Downloads is a digital download tool from Massive Monkey Ltd. It specializes in simplicity, without some of the bells and whistles one would expect from other apps in the department. 

For example, the developers behind the app are Shopify experts and have had many years of experience building Shopify stores. They built this app based on their experience of using other apps. Many apps were over-complicated and unnecessarily complex to use, so they came along to fix these problems.

What is EDP (Easy Digital Products)?

EDP – Easy Digital Products is the brainchild of Axel Hardy, a Shopify developer. The app focuses on an overall customizable front, enabling software and handling product keys. 

The interface is not so easy to use (I know.. “easy” is in the title), but there are some nice features that make them shine. Overall, both are excellent options, but only one can be victorious.

Pricing Comparison – which has the best plans


Both companies offer comparable pricing and plans. Here’s the comparison, starting with Fileflare:

dda pricing


EDP – Easy Digital Products also has comparable plans:

edp pricing

When comparing pricing, the two are quite similar but also have some differences in features worth getting into. 

Regardless, the “free” version of Fileflare is much more powerful. Unlimited products for a free tool are excellent, something that its competition typically doesn’t get into.

It also has the best prices for all paid plans, featuring many more features and much better storage rates.

What Makes EDP Great?

Regardless of the freebies, you don’t get into these programs for their basic features. Instead, you should seek out an all-in-one platform that you don’t have to mess with.

Below are some features that make EDP – Easy Digital Products worth getting:


An API (Application Programming Interface) is a way for developers to control their products. For companies who have the money (or people with the development experience), you can’t understate the importance of an API. 

Automatic License Keys

Product keys enable you to better secure your product by associating random number combinations with people. This ensures that it is easy to verify if a person should have access to your digital items even without a user account. 

The problem with license keys is that they are not foolproof. People have been spoofing keys since the dawn of them in the early 90s. It’s an old technology but still provides extra steps for hackers to get through.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

EDP – Easy Digital Products affirms their confidence by providing a money-back guarantee for any reason. While this is no substitute for a free trial, it does offer you a way to get your money back quickly. Most Shopify apps do not provide this feature because they know their app is trash.

Fileflare do have a 30-Day money-back guarantee too.

What Makes Fileflare Great?

order page

Fileflare has some powerful features for making downloadable files secure from prohibited file sharing. Below, we will get into those details. 


Fileflare also has an API you can connect anything to. Learn more about their API.

Unlimited Products & Great Storage Options

Most Shopify apps do not offer free variants without extreme limitations. While there are bandwidth limits, having the ability to list unlimited products from any level makes it incredibly approachable. 

If you have a large number of small files to manage, Fileflare easily cruses most other options. Most providers are more popular because they advertise unlimited items but hide those behind higher tiers. This does not apply here.

Featuring a large amount of 2GB storage for free beats the competition.

High-Speed Downloads

Regardless of your size, people don’t like to wait for their thing, even if it is something as simple as digital files. Fileflare keep the speed up despite the file types or sizes. This can be important, as the file download speed is often comparable to business quality. First impressions count. 

Several Automated & Customizable Features

While both platforms offer customizable email templates, the way to edit them is a bit easier through Fileflare. The ability to create a Thank You email is natural and doable through Fileflare. 

The system also has built-in email tracking to see when people view your sends. This can be great for checking up on customers that can be tricky about knowing the status of your digital product. If you offer customizable products (e.g., you sell Photoshop services), this can be ideal for you. 

Fraud Protection

Once again, Fileflare provides fraud protection above the competition. Reading directly from Shopify’s fraud API, they have the setting to halt downloads if an order flags as high or medium risk. Then the store owner can contact the customer to confirm if it’s genuine or not, then send the downloads.

Fileflare’s fraud prevention is built from Shopify. Given Shopify’s robust system for handling this, you don’t have to step back in time to get things done. 

Conclusion – which Shopify app is better for online digital product sales?


After a full inspection of features, we found that Fileflare Digital Downloads offers a more robust system for managing your products. It is simpler, has a better interface, is more user-friendly, and offers unlimited downloads compared to EDP – Easy Digital Products.

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