Bulk Upload/Add Products Using CSV to Shopify

upload products to shopify with a csv

Are you a Shopify store owner looking for a way to speed up the process of uploading products? Then consider using CSV for bulk uploads.

Shopify makes bulk uploading products easy with CSV files. Just add your data to the CSV template and upload it to your store. You can quickly add thousands of products, including digital products.

In this article, I’ll discuss what you need to do to successfully bulk-add products to Shopify using CSV files. While also bulk uploading and attaching digital files to your products if you are selling digital products. Let’s get started!

What we will cover

  • Method 1: Bulk upload & add products to Shopify
  • Method 2: Uploading digital files to your products on Shopify using CSV
  • Method 3: Migrating products from a different platform to Shopify

Method 1: How to bulk add products to Shopify using CSV

1. Create a CSV file

This file should contain all the information about the products you want to upload. This information includes:

  • Product name
  • Product Description
  • Product image
  • Price
  • Stock levels
  • and more

Download a sample CSV file

Here is a sample CSV by Shopify to use as a template.

  • The sample file contains an example product and a couple of variants. Your import file probably contains many more products and variants. If you use the sample file to create your own import file, then make sure that you remove all the example products.
  • The sample file includes the Variant Inventory Qty column, which is only used for stores with a single location. If you use multiple locations and want to import or export inventory quantities, use the inventory CSV file.

2. Upload the CSV file to Shopify

To do this:

  1. Go to your Shopify admin
  2. Go to the “Products” page
  3. Then click “Import
  1. From there, you’ll select “Choose file” and then the CSV file that you created earlier
  2. Map CSV columns to designated fields
  3. Click “Complete import” to start importing the CSV file
import csv to shopofy

Once the upload is complete, all the products in the CSV file will be added to your store.

Method 2: Uploading digital files to your products in Shopify using CSV

This one is if you have actual digital files to upload to Shopify to sell alongside your products. For this method, you will need an app called Fileflare.

1. Make sure you have the products created in your Shopify

First, you will need to follow Method 1 to make sure you have products in your Shopify store account. The way this works is that the app acts as an add-on to Shopify’s system and allows you to attach digital files to the products.

Once you have products in your Shopify store, follow the next steps.

2. Install the Fileflare app

Install the Fileflare Digital Downloads app to your Shopify store. They have a free plan, but you will need to sign up for any paid plan to use the CSV feature.


3. Upload your digital files to the Fileflare app

Here, you can bulk-add your digital files and attach them to your Shopify products.

  1. Upload your digital files by going to the app
  2. Go to “Assets
  3. Click the “Upload new assets” button
  4. Upload your files in bulk here

Now you’re going to bulk-attach the files to products using CSV.

  1. Go to this CSV link. It will load the CSV import page in the app
csv uploader
  1. Use this CSV template to add your product SKU and the file names you want to link in bulk
sku name
This is how you need to fill out the CSV.

All assets are automatically linked to the products via the product SKU. Please ensure the SKU is spelt correctly; otherwise, the asset will not connect to the product. You must also include the file extension (e.g. .mp4) in the asset name.

Method 3: Migrating products from a different platform to Shopify

It’s quite simple to do this using an app called Matrixify. I will list a few guides for you below:

Why use CVS to bulk-add products to Shopify?

With the feature to bulk upload products, getting your products listed on your store has always been challenging. You can now quickly add thousands of products to focus on what matters most – running your business.

With just a few clicks, your entire product catalog is ready quickly. As if that’s not enough:

  • Using CVS to bulk upload products to Shopify will increase your efficiency. You don’t have to enter each product into your store manually.
  • With CVS, you can quickly and easily upload many products
  • Additionally, CVS allows you to easily update product information (pricing, descriptions, images, and categories)
  • Furthermore, bulk uploading products can help you keep track of inventory levels.

Bottom line

Bulk uploading products using a CSV is a sure way to quickly add an endless amount of products to your store. It’s a simple and efficient way to manage your store’s inventory.

With the help of CSV files, you can easily organize and manage your store’s product data more readily than ever before.

Picture of Jason Clarke

Jason Clarke

Building Shopify stores for 8 years. Built 2 Shopify apps. Crazy about marketing and SEO.

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