How to Add PayPal Checkout Gateway to Shopify

paypal checkout

If you have a Shopify store, you’ll want to make sure it can accept PayPal as payment. PayPal is an important online payment platform with about 392 million active users. Many customers find it more convenient when they can pay using this online system, so you should offer it.

To add PayPal to Shopify, you need to open the “Settings” menu, then click on “Payments”. From here, you’ll see the “Additional payment methods” section. Click on “Activate PayPal“.

However, there’s much more to know about integrating PayPal with Shopify! You received a PayPal Express Checkout account when you made your Shopify store that you should use. I’ll discuss this and more in the rest of this article.

If you’re interested, you can learn how to split payments on Shopify using PayPal.

How to enable PayPal checkout on Shopify

1. Open Shopify & go to “Settings”

Before making any changes, you’ll need to log in as the store owner. However, you should know that Shopify has already created a PayPal Express Checkout account for you to use. You’ll need to finish setting up your PayPal account to use it efficiently in your store.

Go to:

  1. Your Shopify dashboard and click “Settings
  2. Go to “Payments
  3. Go to the “Additional payment methods” section and click on “Activate PayPal
paypal shopify settings

2. Active PayPal Express Checkout

You will be redirected to another PayPal page. Click the “Activate PayPal Express Checkout” button and follow the next steps via PayPal.

Make sure you log in using the correct information associated with your Shopify store. Lastly, give PayPal permission to run on your store and select “Back to Shopify” to be sent back to your dashboard.

paypal express checkout activate

3. Adjust the Payment Capture Settings

You will need to ensure that the “Automatically capture payments for orders” setting is on. Turning on this option allows for immediate capture of the payments from PayPal and other payment gateways.

  1. In your “Payments” page, select the “Manage” button in the “Payment capture” box
  2. Choose “Automatically capture payment for orders” and click Save.
payment capture settings manage

4. Test PayPal payments

Shopify recommends that you test PayPal after setting it up. You can make a test product and place a test order from your store using your personal PayPal account (not the one associated with your online shop).

By doing so, you can see how easy it was to use PayPal to make the purchase, and it will let you know if you need to make any more adjustments.

It’s worth noting that you can’t test PayPal until you launch the store first, so you might not be able to do this step until later.

Video tutorial on adding PayPal to Shopify

How to deactivate PayPal on Shopify

  1. Go to your Shopify dashboard and click “Settings
  2. Go to “Payments
  3. Click on “Manage” in the PayPal section
click manage
  1. Click the “Deactivate PayPal Express Checkout” button
click deactivate

Final thoughts

To summarize, PayPal is a massive payment provider, so you want to know that your Shopify customers can use it. Enabling these features is very straightforward; you simply find the PayPal menu under your shop’s payment settings to make changes.

Overall, PayPal comes with plenty of benefits and is convenient to use. Your customers will appreciate it.

Picture of Jason Clarke

Jason Clarke

Building Shopify stores for 8 years. Built 2 Shopify apps. Crazy about marketing and SEO.

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