How to Sell Music on Shopify [Pro Method]

sell music on shopify

It’s quite simple to sell music on Shopify, especially in 2024. we have a quick solution for you to get set up and ready within minutes. After all, we are eCommerce experts, building Shopify stores since 2015.

How to sell music on Shopify

1. Create a Shopify store

If you haven’t already, go create a Shopify store. It’s super easy, so no excuses!

2. Create your Shopify products

Once you are logged into the Shopify dashboard, all you need to do now is to create the Shopify products.

  1. Go to the “Products” page
  2. Click the “Add product” button
  3. Enter the details and fill out the options

Remember, you need to mark it as digital. Go to the “Shipping” section on the product page and disable the option “This is a physical product“.

3. Install the Fileflare app to your store

Go to the Shopify app store and install Fileflare Digital downloads. It’s the best third-party app to use for selling digital music.


This app includes insanely good features, such as IP address protection, blocks fraudulent orders, set release dates, CSV bulk add, update file & notify customers and much more.

4. Upload your music to Fileflare

Go to the “Upload” page and upload your music files.

You can also connect your own S3 storage if you wanted to host your own music and pay for your own storage.

upload music

5. Attach the music to the Shopify products

Once the music files are attached to the Shopify products, then they are armed and ready. Fileflare will deliver the music when a customer purchases those Shopify products.

There are a few ways to attach the files to products. You can do this from the file page, or the product page in Fileflare.

Connect via the File page

Once the files have been uploaded, you will notice that they have blue links. Click on the blue link and it will take you to the file page. Here you can use the drop-down to select your Shopify products that you want to attach them to.

  1. Click the blue link
blue link
  1. Use the drop-down to attach music to products
attach music to shopify product quick

Connect via the Product page

Go to the “Products” page > click on a product > now use the drop-down to select your uploaded files and then attach them to the product.


That is literally all you need to do to sell music on Shopify. It’s not as complicated as everyone makes it online. I hope this was a nice simple tutorial showing you exactly how to do it, with no fluff.

At this point, you can place a test order and see the flow. If you get stuck with anything, feel free to drop us a message 🙂

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